Sarah’s Share
Dear Friends,
My name is Sarah and I work at the office at The Way Homes. I started out as a volunteer in the store a few years ago and my love for this ministry has been growing every day. Everyone working or volunteering here is a missionary, and I truly believe that with all my heart. Every person that I come in contact with, whether a customer or a volunteer, needs love and encouragement.
One day as I was working in the store, a lady dropped off some donations. I started talking with her and she was told me all about how the Lord has been so good to her. She then started shared a bit more. Her health has failed greatly over the last couple of years, but God always got her through each day. She was having a hard enough time standing and moving, but I decided to ask her if she had plans for the rest of the day, and she stated she did not. So I asked if she would consider volunteering for the day. Her response was that she would love to. She stayed all day, and we built a great connection. God works in many ways. I was there for her, as a friend to talk to, and she in return was such an encouragement to me in how she loves and trusts God.
Part of my job is to speak with those who want to donate clothes our furniture to our two thrifts stores. I recall one woman who shared about some pain her life. It was the middle of the day when I got the call about the donation on the phone. She had arranged for a pickup of furniture in which she thought would be such a blessing to us. She had to work out some details, but she called to see if we wanted them and that she would call back later in the week. She started talking about her life and how she was just in a rut and started crying. I stayed on the phone call with her for an hour. We prayed over the phone and talked about God’s love for her. We ended the call and I prayed that everything would work out for this lady. The next week at our Free Friday Family Flea Market I heard someone call out, “Does anyone know Sarah?” I introduced myself and she told me who she was. We wrapped our arms around each other, like old friends. She told me how her life was starting to turn around. She stayed and volunteered the rest of the day.
This is why we are here….. This is why I am here. To share Christ’s love with others. Please continue to pray for us and those we can minister to.
To God be all the Glory.
[Editor’s note: The Way Homes no longer operates the thrift store, but all are welcome to stop by any of our meetings or prayer gatherings to experience the community of the Way Homes. Please see our calendar for details.]