Send Me!

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send?  And who will go for us?”  And I said, “Here am I.  Send me!”  Isaiah 6:8 Each one of us are called “to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”  Ephesians 2:10 “Before any of our days…

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Testimony Letter April 2011

Alcohol and Drugs have affected almost every family in our society at some level. Addiction knows no boundaries. It has destroyed the well-educated prosperous individual as well as the young and inexperienced. The Way Homes Inc. is dedicated to the pursuit of changing the way recovery is approached. While we are supportive of secular 12…

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The Journey Begins…

The journey begins. Actually if someone you know is a new participant at The Way Homes, the journey has probably been way too long already. We are confident that The Way Homes can be the starting point for every man who is truly ready to follow the one and only One who has all power,…

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The Way Homes are MAD!

We are “MAD” in the way true recovery is being done. No, we are not angry; we are Making A Difference! We are not only “MAD” in men’s lives but their mom’s, dad’s, brothers’ and sisters’. Their employers are changing. The children of these men have gotten back new dads with a heart to disciple future generations. The…

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Don’t Call It Junk

Have you heard the old saying one man’s junk is another man’s treasure? Well, I can testify to that being the truth.  Keeping with Celebrate Recovery’s wonderful use of acrostics, I started playing and praying over the word ‘junk.’ We call many things junk.  We have junk cars, appliances, junk food, etc.  Some call their…

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