January 2016 Update
On January 1st, 2016 The Way Homes ended our 5 ½ year lease on the corner where we ran a thrift store and the Ladies home and our office and Meeting room. It was a wonderful and often stressful period where great things happened but never helped us to further our devotion to helping men and women in The Way we envisioned. So we have returned to the original vision and are once again pouring all our efforts into providing wonderful homes for men and women in Christ-Centered recovery. We want to thank all who donated much time and items that helped us make the corner a success in many ways.
So what is happening now?
God has gone before us in amazing ways. His timing is perfect and He never allows a setback unless He is setting up a comeback. That has happened. Leaving The Corner we lost our Meeting Room, Office and most important our Ladies Home. God has provided all.
First, we were able to purchase a small house in our little block of homes which we modified for a small office and meeting room where we will continue to host Prayer & Share, Youth for Christ and Friday night big book meetings along with other gatherings during the week.
Second, one of our neighbors offered TWHs his home at a greatly reduced price that allowed the women to have their own Christ Centered Home right in the middle of our little community of homes. Praise God!
Our greatest need at this time is to raise funds so that we can add a 4 Bedroom and 2 Bath addition on to the Women’s home where at the present time there are 4 women in the tiny 3 bedroom home. We have drawn up a plan that will make it a 6 Bedroom Home with one of the Bedrooms becoming a common room for computer use and quiet time.
We are hoping to start this project very soon. We need an architect who can draw up a set of plans that will secure the proper building permits. We also hope some people can make donations or lend us the funds in way of notes that will help us complete this project by spring of this year.
God Bless all who love and support this amazing work.
Our love and appreciation to each and every one of you!
All of us at The Way Homes