Jerome’s Testimony
Hello, My Name is Jerome Turner.
Since being here at The Way Homes, and with the help of God, I am learning how to live and love.
I came to The Way Homes, from prison, broken and lost. I had a “don’t care” attitude and was content to live a cantankerous and capricious lifestyle. This all has changed since coming to TWH’s where I have learned to be interdependent. God made us relational people and I needed to learn how to lean on some people to help me. Due to this change, my perception of concern has shrunken and my circle of Influence is growing. I am no longer a reactive person. I am now a proactive person. Thanks Be to God, and The Way Homes.
Let me share a personal experience with you. Just recently I had an opportunity to pray with a guy who came to one of our thrift stores, He felt down and was struggling. We prayed together, cried together and trusted in the Lord for a positive outcome. He contacted me a few days later and shared how grateful he was that we were there. He shared how God had moved in his life and now loves the Lord. He said itis because we are a Christ-loving ministry where we are able to help and serve the community. To continue to serve those around us and those we interact with, we need more supporters so that we can help more, serve more and pray with more people who we come in contact with every day.
Without this ministry, I would not have met my little friend who is in kindergarten who loves to come to our Free Friday Family Flea Market. This is a child who comes to see me and pray with me and he just brings a smile and joy to my heart. This is what your support does. It has a ripple effect. Thank you and please continue to support us in Christ’s work.
All things are possible with God.
[Editor’s note: The Way Homes no longer operates the thrift store, but all are welcome to stop by any of our meetings or prayer gatherings to experience the community of the Way Homes. Please see our calendar for details.]