Spring at The Way Homes
This last year has been challenging for all of us and we want to thank you for making an impact on our Christian recovery community through your giving and your prayers. Our God provides!
One of our homes had a sump pump break and flooding occurred in the basement. We had to have completely dead, huge trees cut down before they fell on our homes. There were many months where we were putting out more money than we had coming in order to continue keeping our residents safe and sober through these difficult times.
Your gift makes a difference in the life of someone who needs a safe place to recover and grow. Consider making a monthly gift today!

Our on-site ministry leader’s truck broke down 3 times to the point that it needed to be replaced. An lo and behold a generous person donated a truck to The Way Homes for him to use.
Testimonies from Prayer and Share
In March 2020, when the governor shut down Baltimore City Community College I became very angry and reverted to drinking and sitting in a recliner every day. My Degree and my life was put on hold, or so I thought. Then I was introduced to Jesus Christ and I reestablished my relationship with Jesus. When it was announced that this Fall classes will still be on line, I could have gone back to anger and self pity. Even though the world seems to be filled with fear and discouragement I have faith and optimism because of fellowship like this. Thank you to TWH for encouraging my addiction rehabilitation!
I just got my six months chip this week. I am working on my step: Making Amends. This last week I worked 80 hours and I’m so grateful I have a job. I am clean and sober and I have a day off to be here at TWH Prayer and Share.
It is 118 days today that I am sober. And yes, I am counting each day. I just finished IOP (Intensive Outpatient). I love living at TWH. Acceptance is something I have struggles with. Learning about reaching out to God is helping. I am learning to be grateful and thankful for what I have.
I never realized what resentments were before I came here and to Christ. The hardest person to forgive is ourselves, let alone the people who have wronged us. Thank you, God that with your help, I’m not the victim of unforgiveness any longer.

Signs of spring are here!
New chicks for our community egg project!!
Log onto Amazon Smile to turn your regular Amazon shopping into donations for The Way Homes! We will receive .5% of your purchases. Just visit Smile.Amazon.Com and be sure and choose The Way Homes in Pasadena, MD.
TThe Way Homes offers weekly Bible Studies & Meetings. They are open to all, please join us!
Prayer & Share
Thursdays, 8:00 am-9:30 a.m. This meeting is open to everyone! Please join us at 3606 Mountain Rd., Pasadena, as we worship, share from God’s Word, share about our lives and pray for one another! You’ll be glad you came!
Big Book Mondays
This study, led by Pastor Paul, meets currently on Zoom., 7 pm each Monday, and is open to the public as well as residents of The Way Homes. Join us as we discover practical wisdom in God’s Word!
Recovery Meetings
Open to all!
Recovery Bible Study Wednesdays
Wednesdays 4-5 PM
Community Center
Celebrate Recovery Step Group
Wednesdays 9:30-11 AM
Community Center