Summer Newsletter
(Image Above: Way Homes founder Greg Anderson and overseer, Larry Shortt (left) with two residents, in front of our chicken coop. Residents care for the chickens which provide free eggs to the Way Homes community!)
Dear Friends and Supporters,
We hope you are enjoying summertime which is truly flying by! Here at The Way Homes, we are experiencing both victories to celebrate and challenges to overcome. On the victory side, we continue to see lives radically changed by this ministry, which not only provides a substance-free, Christ-centered environment but clean, private, comfortable and well-equipped rooms. We provide transportation to recovery meetings, 12-step and other meetings on site, as well as pastoral care and counseling, which is free of charge to residents.
In the words of our residents:
“The Way Homes has made me more spiritual, balanced, trusting, and patient. At first, I was only going to stay for two to three months, but I’ve become so secure in my recovery that I’ve stayed for over two and a half years, and I’m a better person. There is nothing like The Way Homes!” (Mike Luber).
“The Way Homes is a very special place that has saved my life through spiritual and loving fellowship.”(Charles Pollard).
Now for the challenge. It takes money to provide all these benefits to residents, benefits which are not entirely covered by housing fees alone. We want to continue to make The Way Homes a viable and affordable option for those seeking recovery in a Christ-centered environment and to do that, we need you! The summer months typically see a downturn in finances, and as we write this letter the need is acute – so we are making an appeal for your help. Please pray and consider what you can do to help this vital – and local – ministry. As lives are changed for the better, so are our communities!
We are grateful for all of you, our friends and supporters, and we humbly ask you to consider helping us with a special gift at this time, or becoming a monthly partner of this ministry. May God bless you abundantly!
Did You KNOW???
- The Way Homes has not raised their resident weekly fee for over 10 years. We are trying to keep it affordable for people who come to us with nothing, out of jail, out of a rehab, off the streets and often in need of a job. It usually takes a couple weeks to find a job and then a couple more weeks until they get their first paycheck.
- Only 65% of our operating expenses come from weekly fees paid by residents. We depend on generous donations from friends of The Way Homes ministry for 35%.