The Way Homes are MAD!
We are “MAD” in the way true recovery is being done. No, we are not angry; we are Making A Difference!
We are not only “MAD” in men’s lives but their mom’s, dad’s, brothers’ and sisters’. Their employers are changing. The children of these men have gotten back new dads with a heart to disciple future generations.
The Way Homes are definitely “MAD” and all who belong to the Kingdom of God rejoices.
Its been a long journey for the families of these men who strayed from the path and now God is “restoring the years the locust has eaten.”
Help us make a difference! We need much support. This is not a completed mission; its an evolving mission. Like all works, we are in a process. We need your gifts and talents to advance. The store needs volunteers. Just stop by for a few minutes and hang out. You will feel the joy and witness the needs and areas you can help.
The build-out costs were significant. Your cash donations will set us on a quick path to move on to fulfill the vision to further assist these men and the families who need healing.
Pray, pray, pray. You can do this better by getting to know us as leaders and the men in recovery.
Men: be a mentor, offer a ride to work, job interviews, stores, meetings, church, appointments. Many of the men will only make it if they hang with the winners. Be a brother– offer a cup of water in the sweet name of Jesus and the blessing will be yours.
We believe we are just getting started. Soon we will look back and remember the early days of this wonderful ministry when we all were “MAD”.
God does not call the equipped. He equips the called.
[Editor’s note: The Way Homes now makes a difference in the lives of both men and women and no longer operates the thrift store, but all are welcome to stop by any of our meetings or prayer gatherings to experience the community of the Way Homes. Please see our calendar for details.]