The Way Homes Fall News – Getting a Fresh Start
Helping addicts get a fresh start
We try to help addicts get a fresh start! We assist residents to get supplies from food banks and give them a welcome bag with some hygiene items. We provide rides to social services, doctors, recovery meetings and church. We provide resources and ideas to find employment and sponsors. We not only provide safe housing, but we also help residents to rebuild and recover relationships, surrounded by a community that encourages them in their sobriety.
It is $350 to move into the Way Homes which covers deposit administrative fee and first week of residency. Every Saturday residents are expected to pay $175 which covers their room, all utilities, telephone and internet. They are responsible for their own food and personal items.
The Resident fees we collect pay only 65% of our operating expenses. The other 35% comes from donations or grants. It is such a blessing to all of us to help individuals who have no resources to come into TWH’s. Then they are encouraged and helped to find employment. While they are not paying, we still have the expenses of seven homes. We are able to do this because of your generosity. Thank You!

Celebrate Recovery Step Group, AA, Big Book, Healing Wounds of Trauma, Bible Study, and Prayer & Share all take place weekly. Residents have a place to meet with counselors, friends, and family.
Recent resident testimonies
Susan came to The Way Homes directly from jail with absolutely zero finances last November. She finally landed a job and began to pay her way but in April, 2019 she suffered a hairline fracture in her heel and was on Dr leave from work for two and a half months unable to meet her financial responsibilities. She is now back to work and able to help herself again. Her story is especially touching because she had been homeless for years in active addiction for 40 years using a lot of drugs and alcohol. She has successfully stayed clean for 15 months and is now helping other people in our program through encouragement and example.
Joanne moved into our homes the second week of March right from jail. It took her a while to find a job because of her record. She finally found a job and was able to begin paying in Mid- April. It has been a slow process with her, teaching her how to manage her money and helping her to remain steadfast in her recovery. She weekly attends 12 step meetings, a house meeting and church. Joanne has consistently given of her time to do community service work on our seven-home campus. It is a joy to see her successfully moving forward as a current resident.
Brandy was addicted to cocaine and came to us out of a month- long rehab in May. She had no money to pay her resident fees. It took her two weeks to find a job and another 2 weeks to get her first paycheck and begin contributing toward her resident fee. Brandy is now working a better paying job at a car dealer, moved out and is still in recovery.
Celebrating 12 years of sober living
Since 2007 The Way Homes has continued to provide a place to call home to over a thousand addicts. The Lord has miraculously provided one home after another next to each other to form our community of seven homes. Our campus has been wonderfully maintained by our only full time employee and this summer beautified by the help of volunteer work teams from both Lighthouse Church and Severn Covenant Church. Thank you to all who volunteer and give financially to facilitate the operation and provision of TWH Christian recovery.

TWH Christmas benefit concert
Saturday, December 7th
7:00–8:30 PM
Arundel Christian Church
710 Aquahart Road
Glen Burnie MD, 21061
Arundel Christian Church is hosting our annual benefit concert. Mark your calendars now to come hear some great music and participate in our auction. You can expect some yummy Christmas cookies and refreshments to enjoy with great fellowship and a chance to hear testimonies first hand how The Way Homes is helping people walk in Christian Recovery.
Become a volunteer
Residents are always in need of a sponsor or just a good Christian friend to go out and have fun with. Someone always needs a ride to a job or appointment. Visit one of our weekly meetings in the New Community Center or make plans to spend time with one of our residents one on one. Please call: 410-255-5577
Become a ministry partner
Your gifts provide a safe place for people to thrive in recovery and their walk with the Lord. Become a regular monthly giver and help sustain these homes for many more lives to be changed by God’s incredible grace. You can mail a check or give online.
The Way Homes events
Sunday Night Bible Study
Sundays at 4:30 pm
This study meets at 3610 Mountain Rd. and is open to the public as well as residents of The Way Homes. Join us as we discover practical wisdom in God’s Word!
Thursday Prayer & Share
Thursdays from 8 am–9:30 am
This meeting is open to everyone! Please join us at 3600 Mountain Rd., Pasadena, as we worship, share from God’s Word, share about our lives and pray for one another! You’ll be glad you came!
Thursday Ladies bible study
Thursdays from 6:30 pm–8 pm
This study meets at Community Gospel Church, 8223 Ft. Smallwood Rd., Orchard Beach MD 21122
Recovery Meetings
Open to all!
Celebrate Recovery(CR) Inside: Mondays, 12 pm–1:30 pm
Before Supper AA Meeting: Tuesdays, 4 pm–5 pm
AA Big Book Meeting:
Fridays, 7 pm–8 pm