A Soft Heart
The stretch of Mountain Road between Hog Neck Road and Outing Avenue continues to be a place where God is mightily at work. We witness daily the struggles and successes of the men at The Way Homes. Every second, minute, hour and day that the men do not give into the temptation of their addiction is a success. The road of recovery is a long road with many stumbling blocks along the way. Their addiction is the Enemy’s major tool. So, at the end of the day when one of the men retire for the night and have remained clean throughout that day, this is a major success. I would like to share a short story about one of our newest residents. “John” came to us only a couple weeks ago. His clean time is only that long. When he first came into The Way Homes he exhibited a hard, rebellious and unteachable spirit on the outside. But we did witness small glimpses of a softer side. The following is a recount of one such example of that side.
On the second Tuesday of every month a group made up of Severna Park E.P. Church members and The Way Homes staff and residents meet in the parking lot of the Restoration & Salvations Thrift Store. We go to the Baltimore Station Men’s Shelter to prepare and serve them dinner. Last night we were joined by some of the SPEP Middle School Youth Group. “John” came with us. We had a great time preparing, serving and then join the men to eat dinner. Since there were so many newcomers to our group, we were taken on a tour of the facilities and given an overview of their recovery program. At the end of the tour, “John” asked if he could say a few things to the middle school youth. He began by asking them their ages and then told them he was their age when he made a bad choice that landed him where he’s at now. He gave a brief testimony. He told them that they would be faced with the same decision that he was faced with when he was their age. He challenged them in what would their choice be. “John” stepped out in vulnerability, lead by what I believe was the Holy Spirit’s prompting, to touch and make a difference in the lives of these youth. His testimony was delivered from his heart with such caring. I believe the youth that were there did not walk out the same as when they walked in. Their thinking was definitely changed.
This is a small sampling of what The Way Home Ministry is about. Making A Difference in the lives of many; the men in The Way Homes, their families and as “John” did last night, our youth.
If you aren’t already, please consider becoming a supporter of The Way Homes ministry. We are a new, upcoming, struggling ministry. We need your prayers, your time and your financial support in order to continue this vital work God has called us to do.
If you are a current supporter, let this story encourage you in the way the Lord is blessing your giving.
[Editor’s note: The Way Homes now makes a difference in the lives of both men and women and no longer operates the thrift store, but all are welcome to stop by any of our meetings or prayer gatherings to experience the community of the Way Homes. Please see our calendar for details.]