Taylor’s Testimony
My Name is Taylor Wilson.
The following are a few words about The Way Homes organization. A little less than four years ago this 65 + year old Army Veteran arrived a broken man. Alcohol abuse all but consumed my life. At the suggestion of my guidance counselor, who I still have, I fearfully took that first step for some help. She knew the ministry leader, Mr. Greg Anderson, and knew I would be in good hands. Much to my relief, I was very well received. Soon after, I came to know happiness, peace and usefulness as a way of life that becomes more wonderful every day.
God has done for me what I couldn’t do for myself. I have established, in time, a fine network of like-minded individuals who have given their hearts and souls to Jesus Christ in sobriety. I am also a church member and attend regularly. I finally realized there was indeed a power greater than myself… that power is God!
I have placed myself unreservedly under His care and direction and have admitted without Him I was lost. I now pray quietly to ask for His directions and strength when dealing with life’s problems. We are all on life’s journey and at various points on the road to recovery. I realize now how important it is to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ and the other members of our community.
There is something indeed that is different about The Way homes. This is the best I have ever felt in my life. I am proof that God does not give up on anybody no matter how far in life’s journey they have come or what their past was. I look forward to rejoicing in a new day and to be a living witness to the awesome power of God.